Job Role: Head of THD – Writing endless lists, organisational freak, supplying good office snacks, forever editing the website.
Favourite Task in the office: Choosing and buying new ranges & Creating new hampers
Least Favourite Task in the office: Trying to understand tariff/ custom codes
Pets: Lexi Cockapoo, Frankie and Freckles Bunnies, Bruno The Giant Lawnmower
Favourite Office Snacks: Flumps
Would you rather gift wrap an extra full saddle pad or film yourself for a YouTube video: YouTube!
If you could only have 3 apps on your phone, what would they be? Instagram, Mail Online Showbiz, Morrisons
Guilty pleasure: Reality TV
Favourite Beverage: Mojito
Favourite things about owning horses; Being outside and never caring what the time is! When I’m with horses hours can easily pass without realising.
Least Favourite things about horses: The mud in winter!

Job Role: Order Packing Queen, Head of Hampers & Photography Pro.
Favourite Task in the office: Creating and making hampers
Least Favourite Task in the office: Emptying the paper shredder!
Your Pets: Lara- Irish Sports Horse & Bella French Bulldog
Favourite Office Snacks: Loacker Tortina Biscuits
Would you rather gift wrap an extra full saddle pad or film yourself for a YouTube video: Wrap a extra full saddle pad!
If you could only have 3 apps on your phone, what would they be? Instagram, Just Eat & Weather
Your guilty pleasure: Binge watching Netflix series
Favourite Beverage: Disarrono & Cranberry
Favourite things about owning horses: Being outdoors and keeping active- Good for your mental health!
Least Favourite things about horses: Organising & waiting for the farrier.

Job Role: Office Dog, Snack Stealer, Door Inspector & Instagram Model.
Favourite Task in the office: Sitting by the kitchen waiting for snacks.
Least Favourite Task in the office: When I cant get to the door to greet the delivery drivers.
Favourite Office Snacks: Ginger Biscuits & Mini Cheddars.
Would you rather go to work with Dad at the Workshop or Mum at The Horse Diva HQ: Mum at the office – I get more snacks and cuddles.
Your guilty pleasure: Eating Ice lollies & sitting in the sun.
Favourite thing to do at the Stables: Chasing Foxes and eating the hoof clippings!

Job Role: Quality Control Queen, Buying Consultant,
Favourite Task in the office: Unpacking HD deliveries to see new stuff
Least Favourite Task in the office: Christmas Gift Wrapping- There is so much!
Your Pets: 2 Chickens
Favourite Office Snacks: Sweeties
Would you rather gift wrap an extra full saddle pad or film yourself for a YouTube video: Saddle Pad- A doddle!
If you could only have 3 apps on your phone, what would they be? Photos, WhatsApp, Patience.
Your guilty pleasure: Clare Baldings Ramblings
Favourite Beverage: Sparkling Rosé
One thing you don’t understand about horses; Everything!
Your favourite experience with a horse: Plaiting Skippy’s Mane for dressage.

Job Role: Chief Picker, Unpacker of deliveries, Tidy up Wizz
Favourite Task in the office: Picking the orders
Least Favourite Task in the office: Picking the orders when the stockroom is freezing cold.
Your Pets: Don’t have any currently but I adored my border collie when he was alive.
Favourite Office Snacks: Anything with chocolate on it.
Would you rather gift wrap an extra full saddle pad or film yourself for a YouTube video: Neither!!
If you could only have 3 apps on your phone, what would they be? BBC weather app, google, WhatsApp
Your guilty pleasure: Being a corrie fan
Favourite Beverage: Tea
One thing you don’t understand about horses; How they can sleep standing up
Your favourite experience with a horse: Riding through parkland near Knebworth on my friends horse years ago. It was my fist time riding a horse!

Job Role: Financial Advisor & Cardboard Monitor
Favourite Task in the office: Any excel spreadsheets
Least Favourite Task in the office: Paying the VAT man
Favourite Snacks: Chocolate Digestives or Pistachio nuts
Your guilty pleasure: Nip of Kings Ginger
One thing you don’t understand about horses: How they sleep